and experience of experts in the agricultural industry. We look for and implement new solutions to facilitate agricultural production. Agro Smart Lab is based in the south of Poland. We work with many research units in the country and abroad as well as with start-ups creating new technologies.
Farm Smart is a new consulting platform offered by Agro Smart Lab, the main goal of which is to provide the necessary information, knowledge, modern tools and IT solutions supporting agricultural activities. The platform was created as part of the Rural Development Program. Agro Smart Lab, as the leader of the “Precision Gardening” consortium, together with the University of Agriculture in Kraków and the company Agrosan, has developed a nationwide precise decision support system in the field of plant protection and fertilisation.
Projekt zrealizowany w konsorcjum o nazwie: GRUPA OPERACYJNA: PRECYZYJNE OGRODNICTWO, którą tworzą: Agro Smart Lab (lider konsorcjum), Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie oraz Agrosan.
„Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa Inwestująca w obszary wiejskie”
Agro Smart Lab sp. z o.o., Niegardów 26, 32-104 Koniusza,